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Ezra Furman

Rock music
Folk rock
US alternative rock
Born on September 5th, 1986 in Chicago, Illinois, Ezra Furman is a flamboyant American singer-songwriter who found success as the face of the popular indie rock band Ezra Furman and the Harpoons, who released four albums from 2006 to 2011. She created the band Ezra Furman and the Boy-Friends in 2012, putting them into action shortly thereafter with a tour supporting her debut solo album, The Year of No Returning. Her sophomore effort, the blues-leaning Day of the Dog, arrived the following year to critical acclaim, receiving a five-star review from the Guardian but nonetheless fa...
Love You So Bad
Love You So BadEzra Furman

Transangelic Exodus


Every Feeling
Every FeelingEzra Furman

Sex Education Original Soundtrack


I Can Change
I Can ChangeEzra Furman

Perpetual Motion People


Restless Year
Restless YearEzra Furman

Perpetual Motion People


Forever In Sunset
Forever In SunsetEzra Furman


Can I Sleep in Your Brain
Can I Sleep in Your BrainEzra Furman

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