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Faber Drive

Rock music
New wave
Pop rock
Bursting out of Mission, British Columbia in 2004, Canadian pop punk quartet Faber Drive first got their big break as signees of Nickelback member Chad Kroeger’s label, 604 Records. Borrowing their stage name from their frontman, Dave Faber, the group were initially known by the mononym Faber, under which they released a self-titled debut EP in 2005 before modifying their moniker for legal reasons. Their first album, Seven Second Surgery, landed in 2007. It spawned three national chart hits including “Tongue Tied” and “When I’m With You”, both of which reached the Canadian top 20...
Tongue Tied
Tongue TiedFaber Drive

Seven Second Surgery


When I'm With You
When I'm With YouFaber Drive

Seven Second Surgery


Second Chance
Second ChanceFaber Drive

Seven Second Surgery


Candy Store
Candy StoreFaber Drive

Lost In Paradise


Sleepless Nights (Never Let Her Go)
Sleepless Nights (Never Let Her Go)Faber Drive

Seven Second Surgery


G-Get Up and Dance!
G-Get Up and Dance!Faber Drive

can'T keEp A SecrEt


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