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Fawn Wood

Folk music
Country music
Born and raised in the Cree community of Saddle Lake, Alberta, Canada, Fawn Wood is a Juno Award-winning Indigenous singer, songwriter, and performer. She carried on the Round Dance and Pow-Wow singing traditions of her father's Plains Cree forefathers while inheriting the traditions and Salish chants of the Whonnock and Stlatlimx peoples from her mother Cindy Jim-Wood. After turning her hand to music from an early age, in 2006 she became the first female to win the Hand Drum contest at the Gathering of Nations Pow Wow and three years later opened the 11th Annual Native American ...
The One I Love (Ana Kâ-Sâkihak)
The One I Love (Ana Kâ-Sâkihak)Rob Kaup, Bill Berry, Michael Stipe, Mike Mills, Fawn Wood, Kurt West, Kham Yawnghwe, Monty Baptiste, Dallas Waskahat and Lindsay Bueckert


Nimosôm Êkwa Nohkom (My Grandfather & Grandmother)
Nimosôm Êkwa Nohkom (My Grandfather & Grandmother)Rob Kaup, Wayne Thomas Jackson, Fawn Wood, Kurt West, Kham Yawnghwe, Dallas Waskahat, Lindsay Bueckert and Graham Guest


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