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Fred Pellerin

Folk music
Traditional music of Quebec
World music
Fred Pellerin is a folk musician, writer, and storyteller from Quebec. Born on November 22, 1976, in the municipality of Saint-Élie-de-Caxton, he began doing live storytelling right after graduating from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, drawing inspiration from both his experiences growing up in the Mauricie region and magical realism. During those years, his live shows Dans mon village, il y a belle Lurette… (2001) and Il faut prendre le taureau par les contes! (2003), enjoyed great popularity in French-speaking Canada, with the latter being adapted for the silver scre...
La vie qui suit la vie
La vie qui suit la vieFred Pellerin

La Vie qui suit la vie


Amène-toi chez nous (Amene-toi chez nous)
Amène-toi chez nous (Amene-toi chez nous)Fred Pellerin and Jacques Michel

Citoyen d'Amérique

Cajuns de l’an 2000 (Cajuns de l'an 2000)
Cajuns de l’an 2000 (Cajuns de l'an 2000)Fred Pellerin and Stephen Faulkner


La complainte du Saint-Maurice
La complainte du Saint-MauriceFred Pellerin

C'est un Monde

Cajuns de l’an 2000 (Cajuns de l'an 2000)
Cajuns de l’an 2000 (Cajuns de l'an 2000)Fred Pellerin

La mort
La mortFred Pellerin


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