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Frédéric Lerner

French chanson
Pop rock
Rock music
Frédéric Lerner is a tall, dark-haired singer with a timbre similar to that of Jean-Jacques Goldman, who has travelled a long and difficult road to get where he is today. With songs like "Cybélia","Plus là" and the theme tune for the TV series Un gars, une fille, the singer has carved out a discreet place for himself in the French music world. His third album, Ça Passe ou Ça Casse , hit record stores in 2008. After the duet "We Only Have One World" with Lionel Richie at the end of 2013, Frédéric Lerner released Muzungu with a world music flavour in early 2014.
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Doucement DorsFrédéric Lerner

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CYBELIAFrédéric Lerner

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Plus là (Plus la)Frédéric Lerner

Ca Passe Ou Ça Casse

Mal De Toi
Mal De ToiFrédéric Lerner

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