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Galy Galiano

Latin pop music
Pop music
Colombian singer and multi-instrumentalist Carmelo “Galy” Galiano made history as the first artist from his home country to enter the Billboard Hot 100, and has since continued to bag a plethora of awards and chart-toppers over the course of his forty-year-strong career. Born in Chiriguana, César on February 10th, 1958, the seasoned songwriter first made a name for himself as the bassist for his childhood band, Los Diamantes del César. Increasingly exploring romantic ballads in the following years, he went on to collaborate with producer Ricardo Acosta on his 1981 debut album, Fr...
Me Bebí Tu Recuerdo (Me Bebi Tu Recuerdo)
Me Bebí Tu Recuerdo (Me Bebi Tu Recuerdo)Galy Galiano

Me Bebi Tu Recuerdo


Amor de Primavera
Amor de PrimaveraGaly Galiano

Amor De Primavera


Quien Entiende Este Amor
Quien Entiende Este AmorGaly Galiano

Sin Fronteras


La Cita
La CitaGaly Galiano

Solo Salsa


Como la Quiero Cuanto la Extraño (Como la Quiero Cuanto la Extrano)
Como la Quiero Cuanto la Extraño (Como la Quiero Cuanto la Extrano)Galy Galiano

Tu Amor Es Fuego


Fue Su Primera Vez
Fue Su Primera VezGaly Galiano

Solo Salsa


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