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Georg Riedel

I'm Confessin'
I'm Confessin'Arne Domnérus, Bengt Hallberg, Lars Erstrand, Egil "Bop" Johansen and Georg Riedel

Jazz at the Pawnshop


Everything Happens to Me
Everything Happens to MeArne Domnérus, Bengt Hallberg, Lars Erstrand, Egil "Bop" Johansen and Georg Riedel

When Lights Are Low


I'm Confessin'
I'm Confessin'Alice Babs, Arne Domnérus, Bengt Hallberg, Lars Erstrand, Egil "Bop" Johansen and Georg Riedel

Jazz at the Pawnshop


Oh, Lady Be Good
Oh, Lady Be GoodAlice Babs, Arne Domnérus, Bengt Hallberg, Lars Erstrand, Egil "Bop" Johansen and Georg Riedel


Everything Happens to Me
Everything Happens to MeAlice Babs, Arne Domnérus, Bengt Hallberg, Lars Erstrand, Egil "Bop" Johansen and Georg Riedel

When Lights Are Low


More Than You Know
More Than You KnowOve Lind, Rune Gustafsson, Bengt Hallberg, Lars Erstrand, Magnus Persson and Georg Riedel
