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George Bennard
The Old Rugged Cross
Rosemary Siemens, George Bennard and Eli Bennett (contributor)
The Old Rugged Cross
George Bennard, Victorian Singers and Paul Ayres
Upp Á Afskekktri Hæð
Már Guðnason, George Bennard, Óskar Einarsson, Jóhann Ásmundsson, Sigfús Örn Óttarsson, Ásmundur Eiríksson and Sigurgeir Sigmundsson
The Old Rugged Cross (Live)
Mac Powell, Jeff Wood, Dan Baraszu, George Bennard, Daniel Butman, Jeremy Ezell, Joe Reda, Paul Reeves, Seth Rice, Jon Chalden, Aimee Delic, Eric J Valentine, Hunter Spivey, John Carrozza and Julia Reda
The Cross Medley (Old Rugged Cross / The Way of the Cross Leads Home / My Tribute)
George Bennard and Jessie Brown Pounds
The Old Rugged Cross
George Bennard
The Old Rugged Cross
Rosemary Siemens, George Bennard and Eli Bennett (contributor)
The Old Rugged Cross
George Bennard, Victorian Singers and Paul Ayres
Thoughtful Hymns and Religious Songs
Upp Á Afskekktri Hæð
Már Guðnason, George Bennard, Óskar Einarsson, Jóhann Ásmundsson, Sigfús Örn Óttarsson, Ásmundur Eiríksson and Sigurgeir Sigmundsson
The Old Rugged Cross (Live)
Mac Powell, Jeff Wood, Dan Baraszu, George Bennard, Daniel Butman, Jeremy Ezell, Joe Reda, Paul Reeves, Seth Rice, Jon Chalden, Aimee Delic, Eric J Valentine, Hunter Spivey, John Carrozza and Julia Reda
The Cross Medley (Old Rugged Cross / The Way of the Cross Leads Home / My Tribute)
George Bennard and Jessie Brown Pounds
The Old Rugged Cross
George Bennard
Hymns We Love