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Glen Dempsey

Plebs angelica – alternativo
Plebs angelica – alternativoGlen Dempsey


Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn: V. ‘Bald zur Rechten’
Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn: V. ‘Bald zur Rechten’Andrew Nethsingha, Cecily Ward, Glen Dempsey and James Adams


Why Do the Heathen So Furiously Rage (Psalm 2)
Why Do the Heathen So Furiously Rage (Psalm 2)Andrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and Glen Dempsey


Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Love Divine, All Loves ExcellingChristopher Robinson, Cambridge, Glen Dempsey and The Choir of St John's College


O Praise the Lord of Heaven (Psalm 148)
O Praise the Lord of Heaven (Psalm 148)Andrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and Glen Dempsey


Lord, Thou Art Become Gracious (Psalm 85)
Lord, Thou Art Become Gracious (Psalm 85)Andrew Nethsingha, Cambridge, Choir of St. John's College and Glen Dempsey
