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Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
Born on May 21, 1988, in Seoul, South Korea, Park Gyu-ri, known as Gyuri, is a South Korean singer, actress, and radio personality. Making her start as a child actress in 1995 on the television series Today is a Nice Day, Gyuri turned her talents to music, debuting with K-pop group Kara on March 29, 2007 and after a rocky start, the group achieved commercial success in both South Korea and Japan with albums like Step (2011), Super Girl (2011) and Full Bloom (2013).  In addition to her group activities, Gyuri lent her voice to the character Kate in the Korean version of the 2011 a...
다 지울 수만 있다면 Memory of You (Memory of You)
다 지울 수만 있다면 Memory of You (Memory of You)규리 (gyuri)


손인사 Wave goodbye (Wave goodbye)
손인사 Wave goodbye (Wave goodbye)규리 (gyuri)


Have A Nice Day
Have A Nice Day규리 (gyuri)


The Little Prince
The Little PrinceOnsa Media, Milo, 규리 and From The Airport (gyuri)

The Little Prince


오늘 이렇게 우리 이별인 거니 Are we breaking up today like this (Are we breaking up today like this)
오늘 이렇게 우리 이별인 거니 Are we breaking up today like this (Are we breaking up today like this)규리 (gyuri)


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