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Henry Cox

Punk pop
Rock music
Why Don’t You Use Your Power for Good Instead of Evil?
Why Don’t You Use Your Power for Good Instead of Evil?Peter Tangredi, David Clark, Mike Timmins, Peter Dekoker and Henry Cox


On the Road to Damascus (I Took a Lightening Bolt to My Head)
On the Road to Damascus (I Took a Lightening Bolt to My Head)Peter Tangredi, David Clark, Mike Timmins, Peter Dekoker and Henry Cox


Humans Are Hard to Love
Humans Are Hard to LovePeter Tangredi, David Clark, Mike Timmins, Peter Dekoker and Henry Cox


Thank You for the Yin and the Yang
Thank You for the Yin and the YangPeter Tangredi, David Clark, Mike Timmins, Peter Dekoker and Henry Cox


What Do We Say to the God of Death?
What Do We Say to the God of Death?Peter Tangredi, David Clark, Mike Timmins, Peter Dekoker and Henry Cox


You Lucky Bastards
You Lucky BastardsPeter Tangredi, David Clark, Mike Timmins, Peter Dekoker and Henry Cox
