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Hüsker Dü

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Hardcore punk
Thrashing away at heavily distorted guitars while maintaining a sense of classic 1960s pop, Husker Du laid a template for The Pixies, Sonic Youth, Nirvana and every American post-punk band that exploded on the alternative scene in the late 1980s/early 1990s. Named after a 1950s board game (Danish for "do you remember"), they initially started out as hardcore noise rockers, but Bob Mould's knack of crafting a sweet melody latterly offset the rush of punk clatter. Early records Everything Falls Apart (1982) and Metal Circus (1983) blazed away with breakneck fury, lasting little mor...
Perfect Example
Perfect ExampleHüsker Dü

New Day Rising


Standing by the Sea
Standing by the SeaHüsker Dü

Zen Arcade


Masochism World
Masochism WorldHüsker Dü

Zen Arcade


All This I've Done for You
All This I've Done for YouHüsker Dü

Candy Apple Grey


Green Eyes
Green EyesHüsker Dü

Flip Your Wig


Sorry Somehow
Sorry SomehowHüsker Dü

Candy Apple Grey


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