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Rock music
Folk music
Illapu, a renowned Chilean folk band, was founded in 1971 in Antofagasta by the Márquez brothers—Jaime, Roberto, Andrés, and José Miguel—alongside Osvaldo Torres. The band’s name, meaning "lightning" in Quechua, reflects their deep connection to Andean culture. Initially focused on traditional Andean music, Illapu soon developed a unique style, blending folk elements with jazz, rock, and socially conscious themes. Their early albums, such as Música Andina (1972) and Chungará (1975), established them as pioneers in preserving and innovating Andean music. Illapu gained internationa...
Nuestro mensaje
Nuestro mensajeIllapu

Con Sentido y Razon

El Cascabel
El CascabelIllapu

Raza Brava


El Loco del Puerto
El Loco del PuertoIllapu

Morena Esperanza

No Te Salves
No Te SalvesIllapu

En Estos Días...

Mande Mandela
Mande MandelaIllapu

Vuelvo Amor, Vuelvo Vida

Candombe Para José
Candombe Para JoséIllapu

Raza Brava

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