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Inglourious Bastardz

Rap music
French alternative hip hop
The Inglourious Bastardz collective got down to business in 2012. It is made up of MCs and speakers from France, Switzerland and Belgium, the best-known of whom are Jeff Le Nerf and Scylla. His first video, "L'Age de raison ", quickly made a splash in March 2012. Dark and offensive, Inglourious Bastardz released its namesake debut album in November 2012." a "
Ma thérapie
Ma thérapieInglourious Bastardz, Swift Guad and Furax Barbarossa

Inglourious Bastardz

HommageInglourious Bastardz, Jeff le Nerf and Furax Barbarossa

Inglourious Bastardz

InglouriousInglourious Bastardz, Furax Barbarossa and Amanite

J’commence ma journée
J’commence ma journéeInglourious Bastardz, Furax Barbarossa and 10vers

Inglourious Bastardz

J’rentre dans le rap
J’rentre dans le rapInglourious Bastardz, Vasco and Naz-k

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