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Ja Rule

Rap music
Gangsta rap
East Coast rap
Born in Queens, New York, Jeffrey Atkins (aka Ja Rule) was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and began his career rapping with the group Cash Money Click. Their development was halted when one of the members was sent to prison but, changing his name to Ja Rule after a friend's nickname for him, Atkins' reputation as a rapper grew when he was featured on Jay-Z's hit single, Can I Get A... He released his debut album Venni Vetti Vecci in 1999 and, including the hit singles Holla Holla and Daddy's Little Baby (with Ronald Isley), sold over 3 million copies. He topped the US charts in 20...
What's Luv?
What's Luv?Fat Joe, Ja Rule and Ashanti

Jealous Ones Still Envy


MesmerizeJa Rule and Ashanti

The Last Temptation


I'm Real
I'm Real 

Murder Remix

Jennifer Lopez and Ja Rule



Can I Get A...
Can I Get A...Jay-Z, Ja Rule and Amil

Reasonable Doubt


Put It on Me
Put It on MeJa Rule and Vita

Rule 3:36


Always On Time
Always On TimeJa Rule and Ashanti

Ja Rule: 2005

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