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Jâms Coleman

The Lonely Landscape: III. The Starry Night Shall Tidings Bring
The Lonely Landscape: III. The Starry Night Shall Tidings BringJames Gilchrist and Jâms Coleman


The Lonely Landscape: I. The Night is Darkening Around Me
The Lonely Landscape: I. The Night is Darkening Around MeJames Gilchrist and Jâms Coleman


Eight Poems of Walter de la Mare (A Present for Paul): I. Blindman’s In
Eight Poems of Walter de la Mare (A Present for Paul): I. Blindman’s InJames Gilchrist and Jâms Coleman


Eight Poems of Walter de la Mare (A Present for Paul): V. Where
Eight Poems of Walter de la Mare (A Present for Paul): V. WhereJames Gilchrist and Jâms Coleman


The Lonely Landscape: IV. Fall, Leaves, Fall
The Lonely Landscape: IV. Fall, Leaves, FallJames Gilchrist and Jâms Coleman


The Lonely Landscape: VI. I’m Happiest Now When Most Away
The Lonely Landscape: VI. I’m Happiest Now When Most AwayJames Gilchrist and Jâms Coleman
