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Jasmine Sandlas

Pop music
Film score
Stage & Screen
Jasmine Sandlas is an Indian-American playback singer, performer and songwriter known mainly for singing Punjabi songs. Sandlas was born into a Sikh family in Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Her mother set her on the path to a showbusiness career when she began entering her into contests and it was during these early years that she was introduced to Punjabi folk music. At the age of 13 she moved with her family to California and began writing music of her own. Her professional debut came in the form of 'Muskan', a single from the album 'The Diamond', in 2008. In 2012 she releas...
TolaJasmine Sandlas, Gill Machhrai and Rony Ajnali


90-90 Nabbe Nabbe
90-90 Nabbe NabbeGippy Grewal, Jasmine Sandlas and Hunny Bunny


Yaar Naa Miley
Yaar Naa MileyYo Yo Honey Singh and Jasmine Sandlas

Yo Yo Honey Singh Is Back

Brake'an Fail
Brake'an FailJasmine Sandlas, Rajveer Singh and Ikka

Illegal Weapon 2.0
Illegal Weapon 2.0Jasmine Sandlas and Garry Sandhu

Illegal Weapon 2.0


Bhaven Tu
Bhaven TuJasmine Sandlas


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