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Jason Cook

The Star of the County Down
The Star of the County DownLeeson O'Keeffe, Traditional, Barry Hollywood, Jason Cook, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack and Marion Gray


Every Day St. Patrick's Day
Every Day St. Patrick's DayLeeson O'Keeffe, Barry Hollywood, Jason Cook, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack, Marion Gray and Pete Doherty


The Ferry Fare
The Ferry FareLeeson O'Keeffe, Barry Hollywood, Jason Cook, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack, Marion Gray and Pete Doherty


I Turn My Face to the Four Winds
I Turn My Face to the Four WindsLeeson O'Keeffe, Barry Hollywood, Jason Cook, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack, Marion Gray and Pete Doherty


DiasporaLeeson O'Keeffe, Barry Hollywood, Jason Cook, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack, Marion Gray, Pete Doherty and Teresa Walsh


Caoineadh /Blood on the Streets
Caoineadh /Blood on the StreetsLeeson O'Keeffe, Barry Hollywood, Jason Cook, Marcus D Bush, Marie McCormack, Marion Gray and Stephen Gara
