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Jeff le Nerf

Rap music
French rap
Hardcore hip hop
Signed to Kool Shen's IV My People label, Grenoble rapper Jeff Le Nerf (b. 1982) released the albums Le Nerf à Vif in 2005 and Tout Ce Que J'ai in 2007, but failed to achieve the success he had hoped for after the heavy rotation of the track "Génération". Nevertheless, he remains the eternal hope of French rap. After the lacklustre commercial results ofEnnemis d'État (2011), Jeff le Nerf continued on the independent circuit with Kilos de Plume et Grammes de Plomb (2013), followed two years later by his Black Album.
Planète Rash (Planete Rash)
Planète Rash (Planete Rash)Demi Portion, Davodka, Jeff le Nerf, Dooz Kawa, Scylla, Youssef Swatt's, Swift Guad, JP Manova and Hexaler

2 Chez Moi


Faudra t'habituer
Faudra t'habituerKool Shen and Jeff le Nerf

Sur le Fil du Rasoir


Qui T'A Dit Qu'On Jouait ?
Qui T'A Dit Qu'On Jouait ?Scylla, Jeff le Nerf and Furax Barbarossa

HommageInglourious Bastardz, Jeff le Nerf and Furax Barbarossa

Inglourious Bastardz

Les sans dents
Les sans dentsJeff le Nerf

Big Bang
Big BangJason Voriz and Jeff le Nerf


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