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(Ji Chang Wook)

Film score
Stage & Screen
Asiatic music
With a background in musical theater, Ji Chang-wook began starring in South Korean films in 2008, then launched his career as a pop vocalist by making his first soundtrack appearance in 2011. He was born on July 5, 1987, in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, and landed his first musical theater role with a 2007 production of Fire and Ice. Although films like 2008's Sleeping Beauty, 2009's The Weird Missing Case of Mr. J, and 2010's Death Bell 2: Bloody Camp helped expand his acting portfolio, it was his role in the 2010 television series Smile Again that truly turned him into a star...
나비에게 To the Butterfly (To the Butterfly)
나비에게 To the Butterfly (To the Butterfly)지창욱 (Ji Chang Wook)


사랑이 지나가면 When Love Passes By (When Love Passes By)
사랑이 지나가면 When Love Passes By (When Love Passes By)지창욱 (Ji Chang Wook)

When Love Passes By


지켜줄게 Watch Over You (Watch Over You)
지켜줄게 Watch Over You (Watch Over You)지창욱 (Ji Chang Wook)



채운다 Fills my heart (Fills my heart)
채운다 Fills my heart (Fills my heart)지창욱 (Ji Chang Wook)


네가 좋은 백 한가지 이유 101 Reasons Why I Like You (101 Reasons Why I Like You)
네가 좋은 백 한가지 이유 101 Reasons Why I Like You (101 Reasons Why I Like You)지창욱 (Ji Chang Wook)

네가 좋은 백 한가지 이유


Magic In You
Magic In You지창욱, Sondia, 장예지 and iyeseul (Ji Chang Wook)


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