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Jillette Johnson

Rock music
Pop rock
The singer-songwriter Jillette Johnson was born in New York and in interviews the artist claims she began playing the piano and writing music before the age of ten, playing live venues by the time she was 12. As a young hopeful she auditioned for the NBC talent show 'The Voice' but was turned down, prompting her to devote all her time and effort into promoting herself and her career. Johnson has now written two albums with her playing and singing style being compared favourably to artists such as Sara Bareilles and Tori Amos.
All I Ever See In You Is Me
All I Ever See In You Is MeJillette Johnson

TorpedoJillette Johnson

Water In A Whale


True North
True NorthJillette Johnson

Water In A Whale

Basset Hound
Basset HoundJillette Johnson

Water In A Whale

Pauvre Coeur
Pauvre CoeurJillette Johnson

Water In A Whale

CameronJillette Johnson

Water In A Whale

