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Joe Liggins & His Honeydrippers

Born Theodro Elliott on July 9, 1915 in Seminole, Oklahoma, Joe Liggins was an R&B/jump blues pianist and brother to R&B guitarist Jimmy Liggins. Joe Liggins is best known for his 1945 hit “The Honeydripper”. He took the last name of his stepfather as a child, eventually changing dropping the name Theodro, changing it to Joseph Christopher Liggins in the 1930s. Moving to San Diego, California in 1932, he studied music at San Diego State College. Moving to Los Angeles, California in 1939, he joined Sammy Franklin’s California Rhythm Rascals and other local groups. Joe Liggins pres...
Rag Mop
Rag MopJoe Liggins & His Honeydrippers


Sweet and Lovely
Sweet and LovelyJoe Liggins and Joe Liggins & His Honeydrippers



I Cover the Waterfront
I Cover the Waterfront 

Previously Unreleased Track

Joe Liggins and Joe Liggins & His Honeydrippers


I Cover the Waterfront
I Cover the WaterfrontJoe Liggins & His Honeydrippers
