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Joey Ramone

Rock music
Punk rock
Garage rock
Mostly known for being the frontman for American groundbreaking punk rock outfit The Ramones, Joey Ramone is one of the most iconic and recognizable figures in the history of rock’n’roll. Born Jeffrey Ross Hyman on May 19, 1951, in Queens, he took solace in rock music as a teenager shortly after his parents’ divorce. Following a brief stint playing in glam rock band Sniper in the early 70s, Hyman co-founded The Ramones in 1974 with schoolmates John “Johnny Ramone” Cummings and Douglas “Dee Dee Ramone” Culvin. Though initially serving as the band’s drummer, he soon leapt from behi...
What a Wonderful World
What a Wonderful World 


Joey Ramone

Don't Worry About Me

Life's a Gas
Life's a GasJoey Ramone

Ya Know?


Waiting for That Railroad
Waiting for That RailroadJoey Ramone

Ya Know?


Blitzkrieg Bop
Blitzkrieg BopDie Toten Hosen and Joey Ramone

Crash Landing


I Couldn't Sleep
I Couldn't SleepJoey Ramone

Ya Know?


Maria Bartiromo
Maria BartiromoJoey Ramone

Don't Worry About Me


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