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John Mamann

Pop music
Reggae music
World music
A traveler at heart, John Mamann is not only a composer and director, but also a talented singer. His first hit came when he worked with Louisy Joseph on the single "Assis par terre". His track "Pas jaloux" is the first single from the album Mister Joe , released in August 2010. John Mamann occupies the field in 2012 with John Mamann and by co-writing the track "Devant toi" with Johnny Hallyday on L'Attente. In 2013, John Mamann scored his first hit with the song "Love Life" , followed in October by the album of the same name.
Love Life
Love LifeJohn Mamann and Kika

Love Life


Tout va bien
Tout va bienElisa Tovati and John Mamann

Tout va bien


Love Life
Love LifeJohn Mamann and Kika

Tu la regardes
Tu la regardesJohn Mamann and GIMS

Tu la regardes (feat. Maitre Gims)


Comme ça (Comme ca)
Comme ça (Comme ca)Vitaa and John Mamann



15h du matin
15h du matinGrand Corps Malade and John Mamann

15h du matin


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