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John McIntire

Fire and Ice
Fire and IceRobert Frost and John McIntire

Reads The Poems Of Robert Frost


Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night (Burn and Rave)
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night (Burn and Rave)Dylan Thomas and John McIntire

Interstellar [B.O.F.]


Song of the Witches (Double, Double Toil and Trouble)
Song of the Witches (Double, Double Toil and Trouble)William Shakespeare and John McIntire


I Carry Your Heart with Me (I Carry It in My Heart)
I Carry Your Heart with Me (I Carry It in My Heart)ee cummings and John McIntire


Love Song for Lucinda (Love Is)
Love Song for Lucinda (Love Is)Langston Hughes and John McIntire


Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven (Tread Softly)
Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven (Tread Softly)William Butler Yeats and John McIntire
