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John Michael Kane

What I Gotta Have Is You
What I Gotta Have Is YouMitchell Marlow and John Michael Kane

25 Days
25 DaysBobby Joe Miracle, Joachim Svare, Jaco Caraco, John Michael Kane and S. Gooding

All I Want for Christmas Is You
All I Want for Christmas Is YouBobby Joe Miracle, Joachim Svare, Jon O'Hara, Jaco Caraco, John Michael Kane, Gerry Hou, Amber Q and S. Gooding

Waiting on the Morning, Pt. A
Waiting on the Morning, Pt. ABobby Joe Miracle, Joachim Svare, Jaco Caraco, John Michael Kane and S. Gooding

Best Time of Year
Best Time of YearBobby Joe Miracle, Joachim Svare, Jaco Caraco, John Michael Kane and S. Gooding

Everything's Gonna Be Alright
Everything's Gonna Be AlrightMitchell Marlow and John Michael Kane