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Jon & Vangelis

Rock music
Progressive rock
Pop rock
Formed in 1979, Jon & Vangelis was a unique musical duo formed by two music veterans: Yes vocalist Jon Anderson and electronic music pioneer Vangelis (Aphrodite’s Child, Chariots of Fire). The two musicians came together in 1974 when Rick Wakeman had left Yes and the group was looking for a replacement. Vangelis was briefly considered as the next keyboardist for the prog rock group before they finally settled on Patrick Moraz. However, this situation inspired Vangelis to ask Jon Anderson to provide vocals for his 1975 album Heaven and Hell. The singer also contributed harp to the...
The Friends of Mr. Cairo
The Friends of Mr. CairoJon & Vangelis, Jon Anderson and Vangelis

The Friends of Mr. Cairo


I'll Find My Way Home
I'll Find My Way HomeJon & Vangelis

Electronic Anthems


State of Independence
State of IndependenceJon & Vangelis, Jon Anderson and Vangelis

The Friends of Mr. Cairo


I'll Find My Way Home
I'll Find My Way HomeJon & Vangelis, Jon Anderson and Vangelis

The Friends of Mr. Cairo


I Hear You Now
I Hear You NowJon & Vangelis

The Best of Jon & Vangelis


He Is Sailing
He Is SailingJon & Vangelis, Jon Anderson and Vangelis

Private Collection

