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Jose Gonzalez

Sludge metal
Metal music
Time To Send Someone Away
Time To Send Someone AwayJose Gonzalez

In Our Nature


Last Light
Last LightZero 7 and Jose Gonzalez

Café del Mar, volumen veintitres


Last Light
Last LightZero 7 and Jose Gonzalez

Jubilo Medley
Jubilo MedleyRAV Church, Jose Gonzalez, Mariana Ochoa, Mike Iñiguez, George Huitz, Maria Parra, Linda Serna, Josue Serna, Edward Ochoa, Edwin Zelaya, Cristian Donis, Gerardo Torres, Abednego Alfaro, Sonia Duchimaza, Adonay Rivas Lima, Apostolic Assembly and Laura Lizeth Correa


Te Rescataré (Instrumental)
Te Rescataré (Instrumental)Mike Iñiguez, Jose Gonzalez, George Huitz, Priscilla Bueno and Sergio Antunez Murguia

La Bondad de Dios


Grateful Dead
Grateful DeadThe Original Rhythm, Jose Gonzalez and Trey Phillips
