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Kacem Wapalek

French chanson
Rap music
French rap
Rapper, slammer, beatmaker and producer, Lyonnais Kacem Wapalek is one of the free electrons of the French rap scene. Co-founder of the La Canopée label, Kacem Wapalek is behind the hip-hop jazz fusion group Kacem Expérience and a member of the Section Lyonnaise des Amasseurs de Mots or S.L.A.M. Kacem Wapalek released his debut album Je Vous Salis Ma Rue in April 2015.
La seule
La seuleBigflo & Oli, Naâman and Kacem Wapalek (Naaman)

La Vie de Rêve


J'hésite (J'hesite)
J'hésite (J'hesite)Deadi and Kacem Wapalek

Tout Va


Le tourbillon
Le tourbillonSwift Guad, Dooz Kawa and Kacem Wapalek

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