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Ken Peplowski Quintet

June Night
June NightKen Peplowski and Ken Peplowski Quintet


Did I Remember?
Did I Remember?Ken Peplowski and Ken Peplowski Quintet


Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue SeaKen Peplowski and Ken Peplowski Quintet

Last Swing Of The Century


How Long Has This Been Going On?
How Long Has This Been Going On?Ken Peplowski and Ken Peplowski Quintet

How Long Has This Been Going On?


The One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else)
The One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else)Ken Peplowski, Benny Aronov, Tom Melito, Frank Vignola, Murray Wall and Ken Peplowski Quintet


How Deep Is the Ocean?
How Deep Is the Ocean? 

Bonus Track

Ken Peplowski, Benny Aronov, Tom Melito, Frank Vignola, Murray Wall and Ken Peplowski Quintet

Natural Touch
