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Kid Koala

Electronic music
Trip hop
Considered one of the world's most gifted DJs and technicians at the age of 15, Kid Koala has become a fixture on the Ninja Tune label. Eric San was born in Vancouver, Canada, in 1975, and discovered the Technics SL 1200 as a teenager. Training relentlessly, he became the first North American to sign with English label Ninja Tune in 1997. His debut album, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, released in February 2000, is considered a classic. He went on to work with Dan the Automator and Gorillaz, releasing Some of My Best Friends Are DJ's in 2003, a live album in 2005 and Your Mom's Favorite...
Anger Management
Anger ManagementDan the Automator, Jennifer Charles, Mike Patton, Kid Koala and Nathaniel Merriweather


Celebrity Death Match
Celebrity Death MatchPeeping Tom and Kid Koala

Peeping Tom


Basin Street Blues
Basin Street BluesKid Koala

Some of My Best Friends Are DJs


Hope Will Find A Way
Hope Will Find A WayKid Koala

EpilogueKid Koala

Music to Draw to:Satellite

Everyone Has a Summer
Everyone Has a Summer 


Dan the Automator, Kid Koala and Nathaniel Merriweather


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