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Kingdom Come

Hard rock
Rock music
Progressive rock
Kingdom Come is a US hard rock band founded in 1987 around the German singer Lenny Wolf. The band is completed by guitarists Danny Stag and Rick Steier, bassist Johnny B. Frank and drummer James Kottak. Because of Lenny Wolf's vocal resemblance to Robert Plant, critics repeatedly compare Kingdom Come to Led Zeppelin. In 1988, Kingdom Come released their self-titled debut album. The album peaks at number 12 in the USA and, boosted by the hit single "Get It On", the band performs at the Monsters of Rock Festival together with Metallica, the Scorpions and Van Halen. Kingdom Come lat...
Get It On
Get It OnKingdom Come

Kingdom Come


What Love Can Be
What Love Can BeKingdom Come

Kingdom Come


Do You Like It
Do You Like ItKingdom Come

In Your Face


Should I
Should IKingdom Come

Hands of Time


17Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come

Living Out of Touch
Living Out of TouchKingdom Come

Kingdom Come


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