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Kinky Friedman

Country rock
Country music
While best known as a singer, songwriter, and humorist, Kinky Friedman – born Richard Samet Friedman in Chicago, Illinois on November 1, 1944 – was truly a renaissance man. While he remained a cult figure throughout his career, he was also a poet, novelist, columnist, and politician.  He became interested in music when he was a child, but he was also interested in chess and at the age of seven, he was the youngest of 50 players to play in a challenge with US grandmaster Samuel Reshevsky. He attended the University of Texas (located in Austin), where he majored in psychology. Whil...
Sold American
Sold AmericanKinky Friedman

Sold American


The Ballad of Charles Whitman
The Ballad of Charles WhitmanKinky Friedman

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Wild Man from Borneo
Wild Man from BorneoKinky Friedman

Kinky Friedman


High on Jesus
High on JesusKinky Friedman

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Highway Café
Highway CaféKinky Friedman

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Top Ten CommandmentsKinky Friedman

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