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Kurt West

Kîskaw II (For a While II)
Kîskaw II (For a While II)Rob Kaup, Wayne Thomas Jackson, Kurt West, Kham Yawnghwe, Lindsay Bueckert and Graham Guest


Miywâsin (It Is Good)
Miywâsin (It Is Good)Louis Lapatack, Wayne Jackson, Rob Kaup, Kurt West, Kham Yawnghwe, Lindsay Bueckert and Darla Daniels


Sâkihitowask (Love Medicine)
Sâkihitowask (Love Medicine)Rob Kaup, Wayne Thomas Jackson, Kurt West, Kham Yawnghwe and Lindsay Bueckert


Nôcikiwikamikosihk (Where the Elders Dwelt)
Nôcikiwikamikosihk (Where the Elders Dwelt)Rob Kaup, Wayne Thomas Jackson, Kurt West, Kham Yawnghwe, Lindsay Bueckert, Darla Daniels and Nathan Burns


The Niya Song (The Me Song)
The Niya Song (The Me Song)Rob Kaup, Wayne Thomas Jackson, Kurt West, Kham Yawnghwe, Lindsay Bueckert and Nathan Burns


Nimosôm Êkwa Nohkom (My Grandfather & Grandmother)
Nimosôm Êkwa Nohkom (My Grandfather & Grandmother)Rob Kaup, Wayne Thomas Jackson, Fawn Wood, Kurt West, Kham Yawnghwe, Dallas Waskahat, Lindsay Bueckert and Graham Guest
