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Laura Veirs

Psychedelic rock
Rock music
Folk music
Born in Colorado Springs in 1973, Laura Veirs came to music by chance, but her debut albums Troubled By the Fire (2003) and Carbon Glacier (2004), driven by haunted folk songs, quickly caught the attention of fans. Her steady output makes her one of the genre's finest representatives, as author of the albums Year of Meteors (2005), Saltbreakers (2007) and July Flame (2009). In 2013, Warp & Weft returned to a more rock-oriented vein, reminding us that psychedelic rock and garage rock are as much a part of her roots as Americana. It would be three years before we saw her back in ac...
Best Kept Secret
Best Kept SecretLaura Veirs, k.d. lang and Neko Case

Case / Lang / Veirs

I Can See Your Tracks
I Can See Your TracksLaura Veirs

July Flame


Make Something Good
Make Something GoodLaura Veirs and Tosca String Quartet

July Flame


Song for Judee
Song for JudeeLaura Veirs, k.d. lang and Neko Case

Case / Lang / Veirs

Honey and Smoke
Honey and SmokeLaura Veirs, k.d. lang and Neko Case

Case / Lang / Veirs

Another Space and Time
Another Space and TimeLaura Veirs

Another Space and Time


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