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Lawrence Arnell

Rap music
In the Middle of Nowhere
In the Middle of NowhereVinnie Paz, Slaine, Lawrence Arnell and Rite Hook


Conjure the Legions
Conjure the LegionsArmy of the Pharaohs, Planetary, Vinnie Paz, Esoteric, Celph Titled, Crypt The Warchild, Apathy, Reef the Lost Cauze, King Syze and Lawrence Arnell


Rival the Eminent
Rival the EminentJedi Mind Tricks and Lawrence Arnell

The Thief and the Fallen


Ain't Shit Changed
Ain't Shit ChangedVinnie Paz and Lawrence Arnell

Season of the Assassin

The Hate and the Blame
The Hate and the BlameArmy of the Pharaohs, Vinnie Paz, Esoteric, Crypt The Warchild, Apathy and Lawrence Arnell


The Hard Way
The Hard WaySlaine, La Coka Nostra and Lawrence Arnell