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Lee Hom Wang

Pop music
Old school hip hop
Rap music
Leehom Wang (May 17, 1976) is an American-born Chinese singer-songwriter and actor, mostly known for combining hip-hop and R&B with traditional Chinese music. Born in Rochester, New York, to Taiwanese immigrants, he showed great interest in music from a very young age and began taking violin lessons when he was just six years old. During his teenage years, he also learned how to play piano, guitar, and drums. After majoring in music and Asian studies at Williams College, Leehom Wang briefly joined the all-male a cappella group The Springstreeters. While visiting his grandparents ...
China White
China WhiteLee Hom Wang

Leehom's Music Evolution

NatureLee Hom Wang

Last Night
Last NightLee Hom Wang

Leehom's Music Evolution

Light Of My Life Feat. Lara Fabian
Light Of My Life Feat. Lara FabianLee Hom Wang

Mary Says
Mary SaysLee Hom Wang

Impossible to Miss You

Like A Gunshot
Like A GunshotLee Hom Wang

Leehom's Music Evolution

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