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Lethal Bizzle

Rap music
2-step garage
Electronic music
A naturally brash force raised on the frantic rush of drum'n'bass and potent velocity of gangsta rap, Lethal Bizzle set alight the pirate radio stations of London's grime scene as a teenager before quitting college to pursue chart success with the More Fire Crew. Forming his own record label, his debut solo single Pow (Release) won him the MOBO Award for Best Single, before album Against All Odds (2005) caused controversy for its graphic portrayal of violent street life. A long-held rivalry with fellow rapper Wiley was followed by a war of words with David Cameron, when the Conse...
They Got It Wrong
They Got It Wrong 

Accapella; Version

Lethal Bizzle

They Got It Wrong


They Got It Wrong
They Got It Wrong 

Edit; Edit

Lethal Bizzle

They Got It Wrong


Don't Believe You
Don't Believe YouLethal Bizzle and Lady Leshurr

Don't Believe You


Feed 'Em To the Lions
Feed 'Em To the Lions 


Solo 45, Stormzy, Wiley, Lethal Bizzle, Tempa T, Fekky and Rou Reynolds

Feed 'Em to the Lions


I Win
I WinLethal Bizzle and Skepta

I Win


Pull Up
Pull UpDiztortion, Maleek Berry and Lethal Bizzle


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