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Linda McCartney

Rock music
Although best known for being the wife of Paul McCartney and also for her successful vegetarian food range, Linda McCartney, née Eastman, had a successful career on the periphery of the music prior to meeting her famous husband. McCartney came from a privileged background in New York and after majoring in Fine Arts at the University of Arizona she eventually took up a career in photography having worked as an assistant to her photographer boyfriend David Dalton. Whilst working for the American magazine 'Town and Country' she was commissioned to do a shoot with The Rolling Ston...
Smile Away
Smile AwayPaul McCartney, Linda McCartney, Hugh McCracken, Denny Seiwell and Paul & Linda McCartney



C Moon
C MoonPaul McCartney, Denny Laine, Geoff Britton, Linda McCartney, Jimmy McCulloch and Paul McCartney & Wings

Back in the World Live

BluebirdPaul McCartney, Denny Laine, Geoff Britton, Howie Casey, Linda McCartney, Jimmy McCulloch and Paul McCartney & Wings

Oh Woman, Oh Why
Oh Woman, Oh WhyPaul McCartney, Linda McCartney and Paul & Linda McCartney



The Back Seat of My Car
The Back Seat of My CarPaul McCartney, Linda McCartney, Hugh McCracken, Denny Seiwell and Paul & Linda McCartney



Ram On
Ram OnPaul McCartney, Linda McCartney and Paul & Linda McCartney

