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Lola Marsh

Pop music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Israeli indie-pop duo Lola Marsh spice their sound with shards of electro as well as folky guitar and classic singer-songwriter balladry. Comprising singer Yael Shoshana Cohen and producer/multi-instrumentalist Gil Landau, Lola Marsh first came into being at a birthday party in Tel Aviv in 2011, and the group officially assembled in 2013. A breakout performance at Barcelona's Primavera Sound festival in 2014 followed and they were snapped up by Israeli indie label Anova Music. They released their first single, "Sirens," in 2015 with their debut EP, You're Mine, arriving the follo...
Wishing Girl
Wishing GirlLola Marsh

Remember Roses


Summer Night
Summer NightLola Marsh and Garden City Movement


Only For A Moment
Only For A Moment 

Edit Yuksek

Lola Marsh

Someday Tomorrow Maybe


Give Me Some Time
Give Me Some TimeLola Marsh

Someday Tomorrow Maybe

Morning Bells
Morning BellsLola Marsh

Remember Roses


Like In The Movies
Like In The MoviesLola Marsh

Someday Tomorrow Maybe

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