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Chinese singer and actor, Lu Han, known best by the stage name Luhan, was born on April 20, 1990 in Haidian, a district in the municipality of Beijing. He rose to fame as a member of the boy band EXO and its sub-group EXO-M, from 2011 to 2014, before launching a debut solo career in China. Releasing a string of soundtrack works for films, he found success with his first studio album Reloaded, which emerged in 2015 and shot to the top of the charts in China largely thanks to the success of single "勋章 (Medals)", which also went to number one on the charts. He went on to amass a num...
Em Busca do Jogo
Em Busca do JogoLuhan


Luz Neon
Luz NeonLuizzhenrick, Reinosoo and Luhan


Cara do Momento
Cara do MomentoLuhan


Penita de Abril
Penita de AbrilLuhan


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