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Magdalene Harer

Aria sopra la Monica
Aria sopra la Monica 

Modi 8-10

Magdalene Harer, Johannes Hämmerle and Julia Fritz

CiacconaMagdalene Harer, Reinhild Waldek, Johannes Hämmerle and Julia Fritz

Ancor che col partire
Ancor che col partireMagdalene Harer, Johannes Hämmerle and Julia Fritz

See, see, the word is Incarnate
See, see, the word is IncarnateDorothee Mields, Magdalene Harer, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort

Who made thee, Hob, forsake the Plough?
Who made thee, Hob, forsake the Plough?Dorothee Mields, Magdalene Harer, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort

Byrd: Who Made Thee, Hob, Forsake the Plough?
Byrd: Who Made Thee, Hob, Forsake the Plough?Dorothee Mields, Magdalene Harer, Boreas Quartett Bremen and Hathor Consort