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Malcolm Arnold

Classical music
Film score
As a writer of nine symphonies, five ballets, two operas, a musical and countless film scores Sir Malcolm Arnold's illustrious career and numerous honours didn't reflect his turbulent private life. After winning a scholarship to the Royal College Of Music Arnold went on to join the London Philharmonic Orchestra as second trumpet. After the outbreak of the Second World War he registered as a conscientious objector, but after his brother was killed in the RAF he decided to volunteer. After the army enlisted him as a bandsman, Arnold decided to curtail his military career and to avo...
HushDeep Purple and Malcolm Arnold

Shades of Deep Purple


Child in Time
Child in TimeDeep Purple and Malcolm Arnold

Concerto for Group and Orchestra

Second Movement: Andante
Second Movement: AndanteDeep Purple and Malcolm Arnold

Concerto for Group and Orchestra


Hard Road
Hard RoadDeep Purple and Malcolm Arnold

The Book of Taliesyn


The River Kwai March Colonel Bogey March
The River Kwai March Colonel Bogey MarchMalcolm Arnold, William Holden, Alec Guinness and Jack Hawkins

Movie Memories- Music From The Greatest Films

Wring That Neck
Wring That NeckA Three Thousand, Deep Purple and Malcolm Arnold

The Book of Taliesyn

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