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Marc Nelson

Soul music
Contemporary R&B
New Jack Swing
Born on January 23rd, 1971 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as the son of chart-topping recording artist Phyllis Nelson, singer-songwriter Marc Nelson first cut his teeth in the music game as a student at the Philadelphia High School for Creative and Performing Arts, where he formed the internationally renowned R&B outfit Boyz II Men. However, growing tired of the tedious bureaucratic delays to their debut, he parted ways with the group prior to their global breakthrough, instead setting sights on a solo career. Sure enough, he soon inked a major-label deal of his own with Capitol R...
15 Minutes
15 MinutesMarc Nelson

Chocolate Mood


After All Is Said and Done
After All Is Said and DoneBeyoncé and Marc Nelson (Beyonce)

The Best Man [B.O.F.]


Tell Me What's Up
Tell Me What's UpMarc Nelson

Chocolate Mood


What's My Name (Interlude)
What's My Name (Interlude)Marc Nelson

Chocolate Mood


Chocolate Mood
Chocolate MoodMarc Nelson

Chocolate Mood


Compass Love
Compass LoveMarc Nelson

Chocolate Mood


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