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Soul music
French pop
Pop music
Born in Rouen in 1993, Margane is a French singer, guitarist and songwriter from a family of musicians. The daughter of a singer and a bass player in a Caribbean band, she discovered musical composition while experimenting with FL Studio software in her teens, which led her to create her first songs. She later learned to play guitar, drawing inspiration from folk-pop artists while retaining her taste for mixing genres. margane made a name for herself on TikTok by sharing acoustic covers, often performed on guitar, which met with a large audience. Her musical style is a blend of R...
Trop parfait
Trop parfaitMargane

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Cette Fille (Version Acoustique)
Cette Fille (Version Acoustique)Margane, Margane Minko and Jordan Barone

Cette Fille


Pas Pareil
Pas PareilMargane, Benjamin Boukris and Margane Minko

Pas Pareil


À fond dedans
À fond dedansMargane, Margane Minko and Biggie Jo

À fond dedans


Plus les mêmes (électrique version)
Plus les mêmes (électrique version)Margane and Margane Minko

Plus les mêmes


Plus les mêmes
Plus les mêmesMargane, Benjamin Boukris and Margane Minko


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