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Mariano Schiavolini

SmileAria, Joseph Patrick Moore, Tom Rossi, Ariel Jones, Mariano Schiavolini, Nicolette Turner, Alessio Senis, Cory Clark, Cosobatero, Marco Lelpo, Mark Bowyer, Natalie Bibby and Phul Madeira


Because You Are There
Because You Are ThereAria, Mariano Schiavolini and Nicolette Turner


Blind Eyes
Blind EyesAria, Ayo Solanke, Faith Kekana, Velvet Belle, Katie May, Mariano Schiavolini, Nicolette Turner, Dan Selsick, Edith Mudau, Janus Van der Merwe, Judith Mudau, Justin Holcroft, Neil Engel, Neil Kuny, Paul Hanmer, Pete Sklair, Rob Watson and Tommy Dancer

Where Will It End
Where Will It EndAria, Thuthukani Cele, Mariano Schiavolini, Mermans Mosengo and Wits University Choir

Where Will It End
