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Mat and Savanna Shaw

Pop music
Jazz pop
Father-daughter inspirational pop duo Mat and Savanna Shaw formed when the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill in February 2020. Savanna (born on August 4, 2004) could no longer attend choir practice due to the pandemic, so she set up several social media accounts to connect with her friends virtually. She was inspired to film herself singing “The Prayer” but was too shy to do it on her own, so she asked her father Mat (born on July 26, 1980) to perform the song with her. The video she posted went viral around the world and brought the duo plenty of media attentio...
Peace, Joy, Love
Peace, Joy, LoveHaley & Michaels, Jim Brickman and Mat and Savanna Shaw


The Prayer
The PrayerMat and Savanna Shaw

Picture This


You Raise Me Up
You Raise Me UpMat and Savanna Shaw

Picture This


HallelujahMat and Savanna Shaw and Stephen Nelson

Picture This


Breath of Heaven
Breath of HeavenMat and Savanna Shaw

The Joy of Christmas


Mary Did You Know? (Mat and Savanna Shaw/GENTRI)
Mary Did You Know? (Mat and Savanna Shaw/GENTRI) 

Bonus Track

Mat and Savanna Shaw and GENTRI

The Joy of Christmas


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