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Matt Sumrow

Keep Calling
Keep CallingCarrie Ashley Hill, Gregg Giuffre, Al Carlson, Dan Coutant, James Jeffrey Berrall, Matt Sumrow, Andy McLeod and Josh Druckman


Eagle Eyed Birdwatcher
Eagle Eyed BirdwatcherJames Jeffrey Berrall, Gregg Giuffre, Al Carlson, Carrie Ashley Hill, Dan Coutant, Dillon Pajunas, Matt Sumrow, Zach Brewer and Quinn McCarthy


Never Walk Alone
Never Walk AloneJames Jeffrey Berrall, Gregg Giuffre, Al Carlson, Carrie Ashley Hill, Dan Coutant, Dillon Pajunas, Matt Sumrow, Zach Brewer and Greg Castro


Rose Colored Chant
Rose Colored ChantCarrie Ashley Hill, Gregg Giuffre, Al Carlson, Dan Coutant, James Jeffrey Berrall, Matt Sumrow, Andy McLeod and Josh Druckman


Fail to Catch the Sunrise
Fail to Catch the SunriseCarrie Ashley Hill, Gregg Giuffre, Al Carlson, Dan Coutant, Dillon Pajunas, James Jeffrey Berrall, Matt Sumrow and Zach Brewer


Regional Hits
Regional HitsCarrie Ashley Hill, Gregg Giuffre, Jane Herships, Sam Kogon, Al Carlson, Dan Coutant, James Jeffrey Berrall, Matt Sumrow, Zach Brewer, Emerson Whitney and Quinn McCarthy
