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Matt Trivigno

Do It All Again
Do It All AgainJaclyn Stanton, Adam Royce, Matt Trivigno, Stephen Pace, Tom Coyne (Sterling Sound) and Bryan King


Hey Hey Baby (Sucks 4 U)
Hey Hey Baby (Sucks 4 U)Evan Stanley, Adam Royce, Jaclyn Stanton, Matt Trivigno, Stephen Pace, Tom Coyne (Sterling Sound) and Bryan King


Single White Female
Single White FemaleJoel Hoekstra, Adam Royce, Jaclyn Stanton, Matt Trivigno, Stephen Pace, Tom Coyne (Sterling Sound) and Bryan King


Web of Lies
Web of LiesSteve Stevens, Jessy Greene, Dave Eggar, Adam Royce, Jaclyn Stanton, Matt Trivigno, Stephen Pace and Tom Coyne (Sterling Sound)


Death of Me
Death of MeJaclyn Stanton, Dave Eggar, Adam Royce, Matt Trivigno and Tom Coyne (Sterling Sound)


Falling Faster
Falling FasterJaclyn Stanton, Sean Kelly, Adam Royce, Matt Trivigno, Stephen Pace, Tom Coyne (Sterling Sound) and Bryan King
