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Mauricio & PalodeAgua

Pop music
Reggae music
World music
Led by singer-songwriter Mauricio Rodríguez, Colombian band Mauricio & Palodeagua has built a successful career out of mixing different Latin American tropical rhythms with their catchy pop melodies. Shortly after forming in Bogotá in 2003, Mauricio & Palodeagua signed with EMI and made their official debut with the single "Niña," which catapulted the band to fame not just in Colombia but also in countries like Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and Spain. The song was included in their first studio album, the kaleidoscopic Un Canto Caribeño, released later that year. The popularity of th...
Ella y Tu
Ella y TuFelipe Peláez and Mauricio & PalodeAgua (Felipe Pelaez)

30 Grandes Éxitos

Yo Quiero Estar
Yo Quiero EstarMauricio & PalodeAgua

Un Canto Caribeño

FiestaMauricio & PalodeAgua

Palodeagua Kids


Es Ella
Es EllaMauricio & PalodeAgua

Un Canto Caribeño

NiñaMauricio & PalodeAgua

Un Canto Caribeño

Canto Caribeño
Canto CaribeñoMauricio & PalodeAgua

Un Canto Caribeño

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